Other Names: Epsilon Toxin of Clostridium perfringens
Epsilon toxin is one of 12 protein toxins that causes potassium and fluid leakage from cells as well as severe enteritis in young calves, foals, lambs, and piglets, and enterotoxemia in sheep, goats, and cattle.
Disease Information
Disease Agent(s)
Clostridium perfringens
Disease Categories
The links in this section will take you to a list of other diseases for that same category (e.g. diseases affecting that species, in a specific region, etc.).
To cite the factsheets found on this website, the following information can be used: Spickler, Anna Rovid. "Title of Factsheet." "Date of Factsheet (Last Updated)." At cfsph.iastate.edu/diseaseinfo/factsheets/