Disease Information

Recursos adicionales específicos de enfermedades

Prevention and Control
CBPP Prevention Practices

Provides specific prevention recommendations for beef or dairy operations to implement once CBPP has been diagnosed in the U.S.

CBPP Prevention Practices Checklist

Supplements the CBPP Prevention Practices handout.

CBPP Response Package

If CBPP is ever diagnosed in the United States, this “response package” can get prevention information into the hands of producers and allied industries as soon as possible.

CBPP General Factsheet

Provides more detailed disease information to assist extension personnel with media interviews or general inquiries.

Categorías de enfermedades

Especies afectadas
Agente de tipo


Para citar esta ficha técnica encontrada en esta página web, se puede utilizar la información siguiente:
Spickler, Anna Rovid. "Título de la ficha técnica." "Fecha de la ficha técnica (última actualización)." En cfsph.iastate.edu/es/enfermedades/factsheets/