New Chapters – Organic and Alternative Animal Health

Animated silouhette of cows grazing with a green background.

The Livestock Project at the Center for Food Security and Public Health is offering FIVE new (free) RACE-approved continuing education courses  (up to 7 credits) in organic and alternative animal health.   The course includes:  Overview of organic and alternative animal health (first offered in 2022)  Prevention and organic and alternative animal health  Rules and … Read more

Now available as downloadable PDFs: Overviews of organic/alternative animal health  

Photo of the course section of The Livestock Project website.

In June 2022, The Livestock Project introduced the first part of a continuing education series focused on organic and alternative animal health. As we come to the close of this year, we wanted to let you know the Overview courses are now widely available as downloadable PDFs and that we will have six new courses … Read more

Husbandry Resources (including Organic) for Spanish Speakers 

Man milks a brown cow in a slant parlor.

Spanish resources about common husbandry practices can be difficult to find for many farms with Hispanic managers or workers. Having resources readily available to your workers can be a huge benefit. Posting factsheets and protocols can make checking practices much easier. If you are looking to provide additional training to bilingual workers, check out the … Read more